jueves, 17 de junio de 2010


The dream of having a robot in everybody’s home is as old as the word robot itself. In Karel Capek’s famous play Rossums Universal Robots there was already a comercial advertising for a personal robot: “Cheap labor. Rossum’s Robots. Robots for the tropics.150 dollars each. Everyone should buy his own robot.

Vacuuming the house, cleaning the kitchen and the bathroom, cleaning up the chaos in the children’s playroom, loading and unloading the dishwasher or the laundry machine, polishing the shoes, doing the ironing, stowing away the content of the shopping basket: the list of applications of robots in our homes seems endless. So the question seems appropriate: where are all these smart mechanical helpers that can take care of all these unpleasant tasks? Isn’t there a huge market for such devices? Almost everybody would buy one.

There is good news and there is bad news regarding these questions. The good news is: domestic robots are coming. The bad news is: they are coming very slowly, some of them may be more expensive than many people would like, and most of them will not be the 100% substitute of a robot housemaid or butler, which everybody would like to have.

we will present the state of the art in domestic robotics. We will describe some of the most recent developments in domestic cleaning robotics and a number of other smart appliances, including robotic lawn mowing, ironing robots, and digital wardrobes.

Ideally, we would not only present the latest developments in all of the applications and areas above, but also look deeper into the task context, the economic context and market situation, and the fundamental technical problems and challenges. Ideally, we would also identify the emerging key technologies for each of these areas.

So, the excursion to the professional application, while we are contemplating the more economic aspects of domestic and cleaning robotics, may be forgivable.

A discussion on the technology push, the market pull, and the pitfalls in which technology and business developers can easily be trapped concludes this chapter.

Empresas que desarrollan la robótica en el ecuador

Soft Teratronic está conformado por profesionales en Ingenieria en Sistemas, Robótica, Inteligencia Artificial y con certificacion CISCO CCNNA.

Desarrollo de hardware electronico, menejo de módulos GPS/ SMS, comunicaciones con balanzas, aplicaciones con vision artificial, bluetooth, wireless e ineternet. Además de desarrollar prototipos robóticos orientados a la imagen corporativa y educacional.

El primer robot doméstico de China

Un robot doméstico que puede andar, hablar, trabajar de forma independiente y cuidar seres humanos, al tiempo que protege el hogar, se podría entrar en producción a finales de este año, con lo que sería el primer robot doméstico de China.

El 25 de abril, un robot doméstico que integra estas funciones vio la luz en el laboratorio del Centro de Investigación de Robótica del Instituto de Tecnología de Harbin. El robot tiene 50 centímetros de alto y pesa 20 kilos. A pesar de parecer pequeño, dispone de los órganos esenciales del cuerpo humano, incluyendo los cinco sentidos, cuerpo y piernas.

El profesor Hong Bingrong, responsable del proyecto, afirmó que el nuevo robot dispone de un sistema de ultrasonidos y diversos tipos de sensores que le permiten medir las distancias e identificar los obstáculos por sí mismo, evitando las colisiones.

Un procesador controla el robot y le permite ejecutar gran variedad de instrucciones. Un sistema de cámaras funciona a modo de ojos y un sistema de micrófonos le permite identificar voces humanas. El robot también puede usar un teléfono móvil.